Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Living Vicariously

Ok, so all I've been reading lately are textbooks. If you would like for me to review McKinley and O'Loughlin's descriptions of the 1000's of bone features in the human body, or the classifications, functions, structures and locations of all the different types of Connective Tissues... well, you should probably just read it yourself. It is gnarly. BUT... if you're looking for some interesting feedback about a recent delicious novel, I am empty handed. Sad.

However, I have very recently learned the joy of passing on magnificent reads to others! Hearing that they love the book as much as you did and getting to dissect all of the wonderful parts together is, well, better than Christmas. hah.

For anyone who's read The Fountainhead, I was previously similar to Dominique Francon. For those of you who haven't... Dominique has this thing where when she finds something (like artwork) that she absolutely loves, she buys it and then destroys it. Of course you're thinking, WHY would she do that?! BUT, I can (rather, could) relate to her reasoning. She destroys the things she loves because she feels they are so magnificent that if someone else saw it and didn't think it was as magnificent as she thought it was, that would be unbearable. If she destroys the artwork no one can ever say- yikes that is ugly. To her, the piece is safe forever, away from critical eyes. Make sense? Maybe not... but that's how I felt about Pillars of the Earth. I love that book so much that passing it on to someone and hearing them say, "yeah, it was okay I guess" would be blasphemy. Silly, I know. Love does crazy things lol. ANYWAY... I have overcome this, and to my greatest happiness, success was achieved.

So I did it... I passed on Pillars. My mom, who luckily had a long vacation to read the extensive novel, enjoyed it immensely. Me= Happy Camper! Then... my sister called with news that she had just finished reading The 19th Wife and loved it. Yay! Sharing the novel lovin'. haha. She currently has my copy of Pillars, and despite my separation anxiety, (I almost bought a 2nd copy just to have on hand...several times...) I am excited to see what she thinks of it. Oh yes, and I can't forget, I have also passed on Twilight (how could I not, really?) to my sister-in-law. I'm eager to get her into the next 3, seeing how #4 is the best. ever. She is enjoying #1 despite having the lame movies in her head to compare-- she has no idea what's coming... so good. Ok, I'll stop being a Twilight junkie now. (But if you haven't read the series... [sigh]... you must)

SO... Who wants a good book recommendation?! I'm living vicariously through you since I don't have time to read my favorite books over again ;) (much less any new ones...boohoo)


  1. When people say they don't like Harry Potter books I want to beat them with a stick! Same goes for all things Narnia and Francine Rivers (heard you didn't like Redeeming Love....we're going to need to talk about this.)

    Just read Cane River and really liked it. I think you would too. Historical fiction that is actually like 80% true.

    I know you're in school right now but do you think you could balance a book a month? Any interest in starting a book club? I would be so down.

  2. Hahaha that's awesome. Harry Potter is definitely on my list, and I'm guessing since I really like the movies and the books are obviously better, I will love them. I do love Narnia although I think I've only gotten to the 3rd book, still need to finish those :P And then there's Francine... I loved Mark of the Lion 1 & 2, I started 3 and decided I didn't care because it wasn't about Marcus and Hadassah, and I was mostly wrapped up in their love story- which was completely satisfying. Raegan approved of this, so I left it at that. I'm still planning on reading Redeeming Love, I just had a really hard time getting into it... maybe I wasn't in the right mind set, I dunno. I am sorry. hehe.

    I love historical fiction! I'll have to pick that one up...

    I would love to do a book club, I can totally handle a book a month now that I'm getting into the groove of being back in school. Technically I am in 2 book clubs, one with Raegan- which never really happened... and the other with a friend that is supposed to be a wine/book club, and she is prego, so we just pass books back and forth for now :P SO, that being said, I am itching for some book club-activity! Do you have a book in mind we could start with? Everything I've read is on that first blog post, so anything not on there is good to go. :)

    Sorry- I tend to write novels. heh.

  3. I have a great book recommendation it's called Redeeming Love!!!!! By the way, need that book back soon I'm ready to read it again in fact I bought it for Jen and she already read it and has now passed it on and the it keeps on being a winner, so when are you reading it??? : )

  4. Wow, I was admiring the book pic and was wondering if you took it and just realized those are my books on my trunk, haha!!! Great Picture!!!

  5. Haha yep, every single thing in that picture is yours, so I'm glad you like it! I was thinking I could just hold Redeeming Love hostage and make you come down here and get it. (evil laugh)
