Monday, April 19, 2010

To make a prairie it takes a clover
and one bee, -
One clover, and a bee,
And reverie.
The reverie alone will do
If bees are few.

-Emily Dickinson

my favorite word is reverie... and she used it twice. love.
(although she actually spelled it "revery"... which isn't a word.) still love.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

For Closure's Sake

I've been debating whether or not I like this book for quite a while. I think I've finally decided that yes, I do like it, and yes, you should read it. I read it a couple months ago and despite it not being one of those books that you can't put down, I think it has a good story. Just don't expect any life-altering, gut wrenching moments. But, sometimes you just have to talk a book out with someone before you can make up your mind, (Unless of course it's one of those that you can't put down, in which case, no dialog necessary- it's great!) so, thanks Mom...  ;)

Dusty Bookshelf...Nifty Phone

I haven't had much time for reading lately... however! I was able to get Pride and Prejudice on my phone, so whenever I'm somewhere like, say, waiting in a long line, I can pull out my phone and read! Yay! So far I am on chapter 8. It's taken a little getting used to reading on a screen instead of holding those wonderful pages, but it's really great to be able to read anywhere, anytime... no hefty book required. No, this does not mean I'm going to end up getting a Kindle... not my thing. I love love love the smell, feel, look, and well, everything about books. Kindle is a thief of those things. ;)

I really want to get back to reading at least 1 book a week........ we shall see!