Saturday, June 5, 2010

A delicious sequel

Just got the delicious sequel to my all time favorite book (Pillars of the Earth) in the mail a few days ago. Gotta love Amazon, the price of this 1,014 page book is what kept me from reading it originally, not wanting to spend $22 on one book (what can I say, I'm cheap :P ) I finally ventured into the land of Amazon for a gently used copy... and got it for a whopping $5.77. Amazon should be called Amaz-ing.

I'm about 150 pages in, and my goal is to finish it before the intensity of 6 weeks of summer school sets in next Monday. Luckily I'm going to my parents for the week, so plane rides and relax time are my friends!

So far it is a lot like Pillars... which I kinda, sorta, It's two centuries later but same town, same sort of people, and utter despair followed by (I'm assuming) complete triumph. You have the unfortunate peasants, the good monks, the not so good monks, the naughty bishop and the upper class family that intermixes with said unfortunate peasants and of course the arrogant prick of an Earl-of-Shirring prancing about. And yet... it's not too similar to not be interesting, kind of a perfect mixture. Very excited to see how this one unfolds!

P.S. Speaking of Pillars...just found out about this and almost peed my pants. Yep. My favorite book, soon to become my favorite TV mini-series. BAM.

1 comment:

  1. wait - pillars on TV! So excited i may have tinkled myself!

    curious to see if you enjoy world without end as much as pillars. i've read both and have a favorite, but i won't tell until i know you've finished
