However, I have very recently learned the joy of passing on magnificent reads to others! Hearing that they love the book as much as you did and getting to dissect all of the wonderful parts together is, well, better than Christmas. hah.
For anyone who's read The Fountainhead, I was previously similar to Dominique Francon. For those of you who haven't... Dominique has this thing where when she finds something (like artwork) that she absolutely loves, she buys it and then destroys it. Of course you're thinking, WHY would she do that?! BUT, I can (rather, could) relate to her reasoning. She destroys the things she loves because she feels they are so magnificent that if someone else saw it and didn't think it was as magnificent as she thought it was, that would be unbearable. If she destroys the artwork no one can ever say- yikes that is ugly. To her, the piece is safe forever, away from critical eyes. Make sense? Maybe not... but that's how I felt about Pillars of the Earth. I love that book so much that passing it on to someone and hearing them say, "yeah, it was okay I guess" would be blasphemy. Silly, I know. Love does crazy things lol. ANYWAY... I have overcome this, and to my greatest happiness, success was achieved.
So I did it... I passed on Pillars. My mom, who luckily had a long vacation to read the extensive novel, enjoyed it immensely. Me= Happy Camper! Then... my sister called with news that she had just finished reading The 19th Wife and loved it. Yay! Sharing the novel lovin'. haha. She currently has my copy of Pillars, and despite my separation anxiety, (I almost bought a 2nd copy just to have on hand...several times...) I am excited to see what she thinks of it. Oh yes, and I can't forget, I have also passed on Twilight (how could I not, really?) to my sister-in-law. I'm eager to get her into the next 3, seeing how #4 is the best. ever. She is enjoying #1 despite having the lame movies in her head to compare-- she has no idea what's coming... so good. Ok, I'll stop being a Twilight junkie now. (But if you haven't read the series... [sigh]... you must)