Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Cleaning Lady

Some unknown force has recently been motivating me to clean... deep, deep, scrubbing, Comet and Engine De-greaser infused clean...

If you've ever had the joy of seeing my kitchen sink/stove combo, you'll surely remember it's color being of the brown and gray families, with a little -okay...not so little- cascading hard water stains and paint thrown in for fun. If you come over now... surely you will be surprised when you find only your shiny reflection in the gleaming silver surface! After noticing this... your eyes will most certainly graze over to find what used to be grimy yellow-ish cabinets which are now a lovely glistening white. Where you probably won't peek is inside my oven. Yes, inside my oven. I did it. My oven -er, toaster oven- is officially clean and crumb-less Why? Not sure, but an alien might have been implanted in my brain, thus resulting in strange behavior- will seek help.

Yes, I said Engine De-greaser.

It was mixed with Comet.

I held my breath.

It worked like a charm. The End.

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